Table 3

 Approximate size of the necrotic core in advanced plaques

DimensionPlaque type
Fibrous cap atheromaThin cap fibroatheromaAcute plaque rupture
Values of the necrotic core represent the mean (SD).
Reproduced with permission from Virmani R et al. J Interv Cardiol 2002;15:439–46.
Length (mean)6 mm (range 1–18 mm)8 mm (range 2–17 mm)9 mm (range 2.5–22 mm)
Necrotic core area (mm2)1.2 (2.2)1.7 (1.1)3.8 (5.5)
Necrotic core (%)15 (20)%23 (17)%34 (17)%